Wednesday, 05 August 2009 10:23

Hi! It's now three o'clock in the afternoon and I'm sitting in front of my computer searching Google for bingo news. It's a lovely day outside. The weather is great. The sun's shining and the birds are singing. My dog, Prada, is sitting beside me and looking at me with her big brown eyes. The eyes are begging me for some food. But I'm not giving her anything because she's getting fat. While I was searching I found some testimonials from bingo lovers about their favourite online bingo hall. I found them interesting and I decided to share some of them with you. Let’s see what our friends say about them.
Paddy Power Bingo
" I would just like to say a big thanks to paddy for paying my virgin media bill for me what a shock I got when I logged into my account & saw the money. Thank you once again & keep up the good work! " Kids2pets0
Bingo Hall dot com
" I just started playing bingo games at Bingo Hall, it's been about two weeks now, and I have to say I love it here. There's always a game going on and if not, it's only a few minutes until the next one. One thing that has always been important to me , is customer support and for the times I needed them, they were quick and fixed the problem. I hope to have a long and prosperous relationship with Bingo Hall. I recommend giving them a try..." Iwinnagain
Imperial Bingo dot com
" I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Bingo Entertainment for the wonderful cruise. It has been so much fun and a great experience. Also an extended thank you to Harry for his assistance, as well as my boyfriend who purchased a ticket to join me on this cruise. It has been wonderful and fun meeting other players and the CM’s; as well as getting the chance to see a few faces that belong to those funny little names. And last but not least I would like to encourage all of my fellow bingo players to spend, spend, spend so they can win, win, win next years trip. Again thank you everyone." SAYRD
32 Red Bingo
" I have two wonderful children, one of each, who cost me a fortune lol, now I’m on 32red Bingo I might win enough to go on holiday! I love this site, its easy to use, very friendly, and pretty much self explanatory. I've played bingo for years, but to everyone that hasn't you get all the help and support you need, either from the chat hosts or the roomies. Its a fab site...good luck everyone..xx " Jules1066
888 Ladies Bingo
" Many, many thanks for awarding me the honour of "Player of the Week". I do try to play every day, even if just for a short time, because I really enjoy talking with the chat hosts and with the other players. My husband works away from home from Monday to Friday, and I used to be quite lonely during the week, but now I've got an extended circle of friends and a chance of winning a little extra cash. No-one can be friendly and chatty on their own, so the honour goes to everyone that chats and makes the site such a pleasant place to spend time. A special thank you to chat hosts Kathy, Lou, Magpie, Scorpio and Jaguar who are really super people." Pixiedee
Platinum Bingo
" You have the best Bingo online site that I have found. The customer service is great and I love your chat hosts, they are so helpful. I love the idea of having a list of the top 5 leaders in each game. It's exciting! This is the only Bingo site I play at and I have played a lot of different ones. I would highly recommend this one to all my friends." Bailbonds
The time is now 3.30 in the afternoon. The temperature risen by 1.2 degrees here in Cyprus, reaching 38C. Desperate times need desperate measures my friends. I’m off to the beautiful and unspoiled beach in Avdimou bay together with Prada to unwind in the cool and crystal waters of the Mediterranean, my only regret.....wireless connection....if would be the perfect setting, at a beautiful beach, with my dog, enjoying online bingo on my laptop.....what a setting!!!!
The time is now 3.30 in the afternoon. The temperature risen by 1.2 degrees here in Cyprus, reaching 38C. Desperate times need desperate measures my friends. I’m off to the beautiful and unspoiled beach in Avdimou bay together with Prada to unwind in the cool and crystal waters of the Mediterranean, my only regret.....wireless connection....if would be the perfect setting, at a beautiful beach, with my dog, enjoying online bingo on my laptop.....what a setting!!!!
Bingo is a passion. Play once and you are hooked for life.Bye for now,