Monday, 07 September 2009 00:00

Today as I sit here this Monday, I can’t help but still feel extremely wore out over trying desperately to win largest slots progressive Jackpot to date! Thursday is what started the ball rolling for me. I logged on to the games and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the Jackpot heading over the $7000.00 mark! I said to myself now I am going to get this one if I have to stay up for the weekend to do it! Well, unbeknownst to me that is exactly what I did!! Thursday afternoon found me diligently sitting at my computer playing game after game, by 11 PM that night (I did manage to cook supper for my family, little did they know that would be the last home cooked meal for a while for them!) I was still sitting and playing like a maniac, chatting and playing the hours away until I finally logged off at 4:30 AM. The Jackpot was a little over $8000.
Friday morning my hubby wakes me up at 7 AM, he is leaving for work and had managed to cook breakfast for him and the kids and get them off to school plus he even had me a cup of coffee sitting on coffee table for me (I slept on the couch in living room, 5 ft from my computer desk)!! I remember thinking "oh how sweet he is being with me considering… I will have to do something special for him when this is all over with!" As soon as everyone was gone, I again switched on my PC! Drumming my fingers profoundly on the desk, my precious baby finally boots up and I am on my way… I log onto and what do my wondrous eyes see? "Oh my God" I say to myself, the Jackpot is still here! And so I proceed to sit my butt down for another day of playing and trying to win what is going to turn out to be the largest Jackpot ever. It is now 9PM that night, hubby has once again come to the rescue and taken care if kids, homework was accomplished, pizza ordered for supper, children bathed and put to bed. I tell myself it will do him good to do these "motherly" things, this is bonding time for him and the children! I continue to play bingo! So now it is once again 4:30 AM in the morning, the only sounds you hear in my house are the tap tap of the keys on the keyboard and an occasional stressful yell as I once again come close and lose the game! I decide I better head to bed and take my chances that the Jackpot will still be there when I wake up!
Saturday morning, it is about 7:10 AM and I anxiously head for PC and start the fires going! Again, I tap my fingers on the desk, finally I am logged onto the Internet and logging onto This time I cover my eyes, I just know the Jackpot has gone after all it was over $9000 when I went to bed! I just could not believe my luck (LUCK??? What was I thinking??) the Jackpot was still there! I spend yet another day playing, chatting, I am getting very aggravated by this time, I have been green so many times I am beginning to look like a frog! By 5 PM I know I have to log off, I need to leave shortly and go to my show that evening.
It is now 10 PM and I am back in my car leaving my hostesses’ house, I commend myself on a record show done in speedy time as I say my good-byes to my hostess and anxiously head back home to play!! I call my friend (who has recently became a member of this elite class of people on the internet!) on my mobile phone and ask her if the Jackpot was still there, she says yes and I better hurry home because she is about to win it! LMAO I tell her Good Luck and I will chat with her once I am back online!
So here it is 3 AM Sunday morning and I have been at it for 3 days, as I jerk my head up for the 10th time to keep from falling asleep I finally admit defeat and tell myself that someone needs to win this Jackpot of almost $10000 ASAP! One more day of this and I will become permanently attached to my chair and never have a life outside of my house! I shut her down and head to bed.
Sunday 9 am, I wake up and fight with myself to turn PC on, self wins and booting begins. Once again I am logged on and ready to play and what do my tired red eyes see? Jackpot is still there. Oh, well someone is going to pocket some serious amount of cash and I hope its’ me.